Audi 100

1982-1990 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 100
+ 1.1. Controls and devices
+ 2. Technical characteristics
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. An exhaust system
+ 6. The power supply system
- 7. Transmission
   + 7.1. Coupling
   + 7.2. A mechanical drive of deenergizing of coupling
   - 7.3. A hydraulic drive
      7.3.1. The main cylinder of a drive of coupling
      7.3.2. The working cylinder of a drive of coupling
      7.3.3. The bearing of deenergizing of coupling (model of release after 1988)
      7.3.4. Prorolling of system of a drive of deenergizing of coupling
   + 7.4. A transmission
   + 7.5. A drive of forward wheels
+ 8. A running gear
+ 9. A steering
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A body
+ 12. An electric equipment

course c++ eb52c3b6

7.3. A hydraulic drive

7.3.1. The main cylinder of a drive of coupling

Coupling with a hydraulic drive

1 – a lock pin;
2 – a pusher;
3 – a lock ring;
4 – грязезащитный a cover;
5 – the piston;
6 – a cuff of the working cylinder;
7 – a spring;
8 – the prorolling valve;
9 – a protective cap;
10 – the case of the working cylinder;
11 – the union;
12 – a hose;
13 – connecting муфта;
14 – a tube;
15 – a bolt;
16 – the cylinder case;
17 – a returnable spring;
18, 21 – cuffs;
19 – перепускное a ring;
20 – the piston;
22 – lock скоба;
23 – a lock ring;
24 – a pusher;
25 – грязезащитный a cover;
26 – a counternut;
27 – a pusher plug;
28 – a finger;
29 – a lock ring;
30 – the union;
31 – a tube of a supply of a working liquid;
32 – a tank;
33 – a returnable spring;
34 – a coupling pedal;
35 – the directing plug;
36 – a plug of deenergizing of coupling;
37 – the bearing of deenergizing of coupling;
38 – a bolt;
39 – press a disk in gathering;
40 – a conducted disk


1. To disconnect a wire from "the minus" plug of the storage battery.
2. To disconnect from the main cylinder a tube of a supply of a working liquid and to muffle a tube aperture.
3. To remove the bottom facing of the panel of devices at the left for access reception to fastening of the main cylinder.
4. To disconnect from an end face of the main cylinder a tube, having turned away a fastening nut, and to muffle a tube aperture.
5. To disconnect a plug of a pusher from a coupling pedal, having removed a lock ring and having taken out a finger.
6. To turn away two bolts of fastening and to remove the main cylinder from the car.


1. To clear the main cylinder of a dirt.
2. To remove грязезащитный a cover from the case of the main cylinder.
3. To remove a lock ring and to take out a pusher from the case.
4. To push out through a face aperture by means of approaching прутка from the case of the cylinder the piston before its occurrence from the cylinder. Definitively to take out the piston from the cylinder case together with a returnable spring.
5. To remove a spring from the piston and a cuff.

Survey and дефектовка details of the main cylinder

1. To wash out details of the main cylinder a pure brake liquid and to dry.
2. The mirror of the main cylinder should not have рисок, bowls and the corrosion centres. In the presence of the given defects it is necessary to replace the cylinder. On carving parts of the cylinder there should not be mechanical damages.
3. Cuffs of the main cylinder should be elastic and elastic. The fragmentary, inflated and hardened cuffs, and also risks having on working surfaces, it is necessary to replace.
4. The end of a pusher and an interfaced surface of the piston should not have obviously expressed traces of unilateral deterioration. The surfaces of the piston contacting to a mirror of the cylinder, also should not have traces of unilateral deterioration. Otherwise it is recommended to replace a pusher and the piston. The piston valve should not have visible traces of deformation and should adjoin densely to a piston end face.
5. The grjazezashchitnyj cover of the main cylinder should not have cracks and through apertures. It should be established on a pusher and the case of the main cylinder with a small tightness. Otherwise a cover to replace.
6. The spring should possess elastic properties. Spring breakage is not supposed.
7. The carving of tips of a tube and a hose should not have mechanical damages. The union of tips should not have cracks and traces of visible deformation.


1. To grease a cuff with a pure brake liquid and to establish it on a spring, сориентировав a working edge to a spring.
2. To insert accurately spring into the cylinder case.
3. To grease a cuff with a pure brake liquid and to establish it on the piston, сориентировав a working edge to a spring.
4. To insert the piston with put on on it перепускным a ring into the cylinder case.
5. To establish lock скобу on a pusher if it removed.
6. To insert a pusher into the case of the cylinder and to establish a lock ring.
7. To establish грязезащитный a cover on the cylinder case.


To establish the main cylinder of a drive of coupling upside-down. Thus bolts of fastening of the main cylinder to tighten the moment 20 Н·м (2,0 кгс·м). After installation to pump over a coupling hydrodrive (subsection 7.3.4 see).

Adjustment of a free wheeling of a pedal of coupling

1. To weaken an inhaling of a counternut of a plug of a pusher.
2. Unscrewing or twisting a pusher a hand or by means of flat-nose pliers, to achieve excess of position of a pedal of coupling concerning a brake pedal on 10 mm.
3. To tighten a counternut.