Audi 100

1982-1990 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 100
+ 1.1. Controls and devices
+ 2. Technical characteristics
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. An exhaust system
- 6. The power supply system
   - 6.1. The power supply system of carburettor engines
      6.1.1. Replacement of a filtering element of the air filter
      6.1.2. Removal and installation of the air filter
      6.1.3. Temperature regulator check
      6.1.4. Check of the valve of a temperature regulator
      6.1.5. Removal and installation of the fuel pump
      6.1.6. Check of pressure of forcing of the fuel pump
      6.1.7. Removal and installation of a cable of a drive of an accelerator
      6.1.8. Adjustment of a cable of a drive of an accelerator
      6.1.9. Replacement of the gauge of level of fuel
      6.1.10. Removal and installation of a fuel tank
      6.1.11. Replacement of the filter of thin clearing of fuel
      6.1.12. Removal and carburettor installation
      + 6.1.13. Dismantling and carburettor assemblage
      + 6.1.14. Carburettor Pierburg adjustments 1B3
      - 6.1.15. Carburettor Pierburg adjustments 2Е2 Adjustment of frequency of rotation of start-up of the engine Adjustment of starting backlashes air заслонки Check of a pneumodrive throttle заслонки the second chamber Adjustment приоткрытия throttle заслонки the second chamber Adjustment of the accelerating pump Check of work of a pneumodrive throttle заслонки the first chamber Idling adjustment
      + 6.1.16. Carburettor Keihin adjustments
   + 6.2. The power supply system of engines with fuel injection
   + 6.3. The power supply system of the diesel engine
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. A running gear
+ 9. A steering
+ 10. Brake system
+ 11. A body
+ 12. An electric equipment

eb52c3b6 Adjustment приоткрытия throttle заслонки the second chamber

Position throttle заслонки the second chamber is adjusted on manufacturer. If adjustment is broken, it is necessary for restoring.

1. Completely to open throttle заслонку the first chamber and to fix in this position wooden брусочком (it is shown by an arrow, 1 – the lock lever; 2 – the restrictive screw; 3 – an emphasis).
2. To close throttle заслонку the second chamber the drive lever заслонки.
3. To turn out the restrictive screw (2) so that it did not concern an emphasis (3), and then to wrap the screw to an emphasis contact. Then to wrap the screw on a quarter of a turn and законтрить its paint.
4. To close throttle заслонки.
5. To measure an internal backlash And and an external backlash In in a drive throttle заслонки the second chamber of the carburettor. The backlash And should be (0,4�0,1) mm, a backlash In – (1,0�0,1) mm. If backlashes differ from specified, to adjust them, turning in the ends of a plug of the lever (1).